Recap of our First Meeting with Deshundra Jefferson Guest Speaker

Dear Belmont Bay Neighbor:

We had our inaugural meeting of our newly established Concerned Citizens organization at Belmont Bay Elementary School last night with approximately 75 people attending.    Every Belmont Bay community was represented including a significant number of residents from our older neighborhoods of Riverbend Estates, the Old Belmont Bay community, and the Belmont Bay Conservancy.    We were delighted to offer Prince William Board Chairman Candidate Deshundra Jefferson the opportunity to discuss her campaign and her frustration with Supervisors from her own Democratic Party who were ignoring the voices of our citizens and instead doing the bidding of the development and data center community.     

Ms. Jefferson, who is from Potomac District, is challenging Incumbent Board Chairman Ann Wheeler in the June 20th primary.    She discussed Wheeler’s abysmal environmental record and partnership with Data Centers being built all over the county.    Jefferson called for increasing taxes on Data Centers to match the rate paid in Loudoun County and decreasing our property taxes and repealing the meals tax.   She discussed affordable housing and smart growth and supported our concerns about the planned development of Belmont Bay, especially setbacks and the environmental impact as well as overall density and the impact on essential area services.    She spent the entire evening with us and was well received.    She discussed the 70% increase in salary Board Democrats voted for Wheeler (and 67% for themselves); the 70% increase in crime (and her support for increased police funding); and the $2100 average increase the last 3 years in property taxes which makes it harder for first responders and county employees to afford to live here.    She also pointed out that although the motion to increase taxes on Data Centers passed, Wheeler and Woodbridge Supervisor Margaret Franklin voted against the tax increase.   The majority of their campaign treasuries are funded by Data Center interests.  

Rob Hartwell, as a former Fairfax County Planning Commissioner and Potomac River Commissioner, gave us a primer on Zoning 101 and discussed the process and how meetings with citizens are a key to responsible planning and that unfortunately that was ignored by the Belmont Bay developers.   He also discussed several issues: the potential for new development around Belmont Bay and the Distribution Center and its possible impact on traffic along Dawson Beach Road; the need for an adequate buffer along the Wildlife Refuge; the developments impact on the Occoquan Watershed; and about new town homes planned to border the Old Belmont area.  He pointed out that the two Board of Supervisors voted directly on Belmont Bay on two motions by Supervisor Franklin, seeking funds for the 123 Flyover and allowing 4 houses per acre on the former Golf Course next to the Wildlife Refuge.   

Bill McDow, the current Belmont Bay HOA President, walked us through the details of the history of the Belmont Bay planned development and its impact on the Occoquan and how the two associations set up originally were in conflict (which KP Lau also addressed).   Bill pointed out the need to be involved in the HOAs and keep a watchful eye on the Board and Developers and the need to make a change.   

Another guest speaker, Bill Wright, an activist from Gainesville District talked about the critical need to make change via the electoral process and how we have two candidates that not only support our community position on development but also oppose the massive data center development in Western Prince William that has an impact on our Watershed.  He endorsed Deshundra Jefferson and our own Belmont Bay resident Jeannie LaCroix, a Democrat and a Republican for the Board, and encourages everyone to vote for Jefferson or Lawson in their respective party primaries on June 20th and to vote out Franklin in November by supporting LaCroix.   

Along those lines, we have attached his remarks and also a flyer for a meet and greet for Brentsville Supervisor Jeanine Lawson, a Republican running for Board Chairman in the primary.     Supervisor Lawson visited Belmont Bay last Spring and promised her support for our position limiting the new development proposals and density.    Please join us for some free food and drink and to meet Ms. Lawson at Dixie Bones BBQ beginning at 6:30 pm next Thursday June 8th.    RSVP to Rob Hartwell at or 571-212-2129.  

Future meetings and receptions are being planned with a July forum on environmental issues around Belmont Bay; a September presentation by Jeannie LaCroix on her positions; a possible debate in October between Franklin and LaCroix or a presentation by Ms. Lawson; and some fun events and concerts being planned by our organization.   

Thanks for caring about our community, our environment, our safety and our schools, and we hope you will continue to support us and join us at

KP Lau (resident of BBHOA), President 

Rob Hartwell (resident of Riverbend Estate Civic Association), Secretary

Jose G Santiago (resident of Conservancy), Treasurer 

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